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Page №3 - Passenger car . Reviews and test drives of the first-hand on the car market of USA.

Search results. Found 32 reviews.

The Jeep rides nice, and overall it has nice features, power seats etc, it's roomy, has plenty of power... nice stereo system, it's quiet.

However, forking over 98 dollars every few months to replace the TPMS valve stems is old to me, and to add to the problem they leak air where bolted through the rim, so I constantly get the low t...

comments: 0 views: 6173 date: 3 August 2010

I have been in the automobile business for 10 years prior to my present job and needed a car I could rely on to carry miss speedy and the children 125 miles a day. She had sent three domestics to their graves in one year, so I chose a known good bet....

comments: 0 views: 5110 date: 2 August 2010

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